
Mél Hogan

Mél Hogan is the host of The Data Fix podcast, the Director of the Environmental Media Lab (EML), and Associate Professor in the Department of Film & Media at Queen’s University (Kingston, On). Her research focuses on data infrastructure as understood from within the contexts of planetary catastrophe and collective anxieties about the future.

Prompts for a psychogeographic perambulation in PEC – Mary Elizabeth (ME) Luka and Mél Hogan (Friday October 18, 10.30-11.30)

In this virtual session, Mary Elizabeth (ME) Luka and Mél Hogan will take attendees on a psychogeographic perambulation on the shores of Lake Ontario in Prince Edward County (PEC) in Ontario. The peninsula sticks out like an arrow pointing into the lake, and its limestone base is an ideal habitat for migrating bats, birds, and butterflies. It is also a popular site for wineries, craft cideries, and breweries. But its increasing reincarnation as a gentrified retirement and retreat zone for weary urbanites within a three-hour drive provides plenty of points of tension. And the more that people disembark in the country to perambulate and contemplate, it seems, the less that the birds, butterflies, and other living cohabitants might.