iDoc is an intermedia documentary project tracking energy-transition research, discussions, and developments in Alberta, Canada, and beyond. In a series of over 100 interviews with scholars, policy makers, activists, and community members, iDoc records, archives and shares critical conversations about current and future energy systems.
In 2024, the entire iDoc project was archived at the University of Alberta Library’s open-access platform Aviary. We are so happy that iDoc will be an accessible resource to all.
iDoc documents and archives the energy-related research ongoing at the University of Alberta in the 45+ research teams working on the Future Energy Systems project. This documentary and open-access archival project features interviews and discussions of energy transition from the perspective of diverse stakeholders, from energy activists to energy engineers, by asking:
- What are the energy systems of the future?
- What decisions are being made in the present that are shaping those futures?
- Who is making those decisions and why?
- What other voices and perspectives should be contributing to these discussions if we want the design of our future communities to be driven by energy and climate justice for all?

The iDoc project takes methodological cues from the Fogo Process, an approach first developed by the National Film Board of Canada in 1967 (Wiesner, 2010) and subsequently used around the world. The Fogo Process reciprocally shares recorded discussions among relevant community members, policy-makers, and researchers in order to move towards resolutions of seemingly intractable problems.
Through such discussions, the iDoc project will showcase the knowledge and stories of scientists, activists, artists, policy makers, and citizens, in order to document and archive current discussions of energy transition.
iDoc highlights
Watch more iDoc highlights on the Just Powers Vimeo channel
Principal Investigator
Research Coordinator
Research Assistants

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