
Petrocultures: Day Three

Our first workshop is complete! We were thrilled to share an introduction to Just Powers with the Petrocultures community, and to engage in some rousing discussion afterward. After some more […]

Petrocultures: Day Two

A day of preparation! As a team, we were very busy attending conference presentations and running through final edits for our upcoming presentations. You’ll be able to connect with us […]

Petrocultures: Day One

We are writing to you now from the UK! Having all arrived safely in Glasgow, the Just Powers team was very excited to attend the first day of Petrocultures 2018: […]

Hello There!

At Just Powers, we have dreams. Imaginings. Thoughts. Inklings. Provocations. Inspirations. Wishes. Questions. Archives. Findings. We realized that we want something more…we want to communicate with you in a different […]